No short cuts to good health . History proves this
Unfortunately or fortunately there are no short cuts or magic pills to give us instant health or even good health. The internet is full of options for improving our health. How are we to know what is best for us? Is it our own idea? or suggestions from friends or relatives? Should we rely on the professionals in the industry? We constantly hear that researchers say something is good for us and then it feels as if the very next week that same thing is bad for us. For me, I found the answer is history. History for the most part, filters out the answer. History helps to remove bias and personal opinion. Centuries of trial and error can clarify an answer. I wish that everyone has a life full of good health and happiness. Eat the proper portion of food. Eat good healthy food. Drink the appropriate amount of fluids for your body. Treat yourself well. Supplement your daily routine with the proper herbs and movement.... and be well